
We Do What We Do, Even When It’s Tough Going!

September 23, 2022

Time may be trying us in the present, but it won’t be the same forever. If it’s dark, there surely will be light at the end of the tunnel. And we all, at Consagous, will always be there for our clients, waiting to deliver, one sophisticated project at a time!

“There are uses to adversity, and they don’t reveal themselves until tested. Whether it’s serious illness, financial hardship, or the simple constraint of parents who speak limited English, difficulty can tap unexpected strengths.”

-Sonia Sotomayor


What humankind is facing today on a global scale is hidden from no one. Economic powerhouses are on their knees, citizens of the world have been confined in their homes and one thought is always more pressing on their minds- when will the normal days return?


The corporate world too, is having a tough time, with companies staying afloat by instructing their employees to work from home and stay productive. The world, in fact, is presently working from home, which is dark humour and irony at the same time. Consagous, the leading Web and App Development Company USA is right at the helm of this seemingly underrated, but critical culture.


With a number of accolades, Consagous has consistently delivered outrageously spectacular IT products to clients all over the globe. And we are also aware of what makes Consagous the company it is- our team, right at the core, making things tick in ways that are seamless, and harmonious, just the attributes that are omnipresent in our products.


A truly global company is reflective of its culture, and our ethos is completely immersed in these attributes.


The present crisis took everybody by surprise. There was no time to wind up for anyone, from the smallest of shop owners to the largest conglomerates. And while there is a lot of that unsaid panic in the air as we combat this outbreak of COVID-19, or coronavirus, ensuring one thing was critical- that work-life did not come to a standstill.


Being the best Mobile App Development Company in USA, Consagous had a number of projects that were underway, or had just arrived when it became mandatory to stay behind closed doors. Social distancing, it was called. 


But we had deadlines to adhere to, for all our projects. Work wasn’t to stop. And that, it didn’t.


Team Consagous, as always, decided to continue with creating great products from the comfort of their homes. With a stable Internet connection, and the perfect amount of professional experience, this was a winning combination without a doubt. With this adversity, we brought out the best use of all available resources to establish what we do at our office space- establish perfect coordination and communication between teams, departments and most importantly, the client.


One such project which the team delivered from home was the mobile app, Klino, that aimed to make the hiring of professional cleaning staff seamless and completely user-friendly experience.


The application framework had to be secure, as the app involved the input of personal information. Obviously, there were a lot of other aspects to take care of, which made it necessary to keep the client in loop with everything that was happening during the App development process of Klino.


For communication, the teams used video conferencing to interact and meet with the client and other team members. This ensured that the absence of physical presence didn’t prove to be a hurdle in the quality of Klino, right from the ideation and prototyping to the final output.


The team at Consagous stayed in tune with the process by scheduling and attending daily meetings which helped in keeping the proceedings in sync, department wise. Video calls too, proved to be an asset as team members of every department could communicate with ease, and not disrupt other departments. Enhanced efficiency was the result.


Apart from making full use of such technology, the more mainstream sources like Emails and Skype too were integral to ensure that Klino was handed over to the client well within the deadline. And yet, not a single Consagous soul visited the office during this time.

Consagous is right there as a leader in mobile app development services, and this is backed by reasons. The never say die attitude of the team, the sheer ability to ensure completion, and that enviable, near-obsessive degree of dedication is what makes and defines Consagous and keeps it alive.


Time may be trying us in the present, but it won’t be the same forever. If it’s dark, there surely will be light at the end of the tunnel. And we all, at Consagous, will always be there for our clients, waiting to deliver, one sophisticated project at a time! 

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