
Online marketplaces have been enjoying a lot of preference for quite some time now. Riding on the same bandwagon, the client wanted to have an app that could go a step further in providing users with the convenience and ease of shopping for their favorite products. There are many eCommerce shopping players already, providing their services with apps and websites of their own, but with Ikinin, the client wanted to take online shopping to another level altogether. With an interactive website and the app on the same level of novelty, Ikinin had to deliver a one of its kind experience to each and every single user. The project needed a pool of specific skills, as a result the client got in touch with Consagous Technologies.

The Big Question

How was Ikinin supposed to make online shopping a breeze?

The Ikinin website as well as the app were to have two panels- one for the customers and other for all the registered sellers/vendors. While Ikinin’s user-end was to be highly interactive and functional, the seller/vendor-end was to be capable of handling a huge amount of customer data and related information, like delivery tracking, products and status of logistics.

Challenges Faced

Whenever it is about an app that involves two parties, the overall functionality is the defining aspect that separates the effective ones from their ineffective counterparts. As far as Ikinin goes, the extra features needed to blend perfectly with the basic ones for achieving perfection. 

The challenges were-

  • The sheer amount of data that will be fed into the app.
  • Customer and third-party vendor details.
  • Ensuring the security of all the available data.
  • Deployment of efficient payment solutions during checkout.

Overcoming Challenges

The conclusive structure of Ikinin was successful in combining the basic app features with the sophisticated ones to provide users with the most amazing experience possible in an online shopping app. 

With the users being both- the customers and the sellers, Ikinin was successfully able to overcome these challenges 

Features of the App

  • Simple verification and sign-up process

From email, to contact numbers and social media, an easy signup and login process.

  • Intuitive Product Search Feature

Intuitive product search brings in specific results as well as related results for a more interactive user experience.

  • Clear and creative UI

The UI for both mobile app and web app is very simple and interactive, making Ikinin a breeze to use.

  • Secure payment gateways

The payment gateways are deployed and encrypted for maximum security and safety.

  • Multiple filters for added ease

Price, brand, features, color, and size- such filters make using Ikinin a highly enjoyable and cohesive experience.

Steps Taken

In the initial round of discussions with the client, it became perfectly clear that to make an impact with Ikinin, there had to be a simplicity that wasn’t offered by other eCommerce players. The domain of eCommerce was subjected to thorough research by the analysis team at Consagous Technologies. With an awareness of the trends that were governing the industry, it became pretty clear to figure out the unique factors to set Ikinin apart.

Here’s how the team proceeded with Ikinin-

Engagement With Users

A proper market research is the crux of coming up with a great product. Our Business Analysis team analyzed multiple competitors and how they offered their products to the customers. Simplicity and efficiency were quickly established as the factors to govern the app.

Business Assessment Document


The next step involved the development team collaborating with the client about how they visioned the app as the final product. Our team then designed a few wireframe samples to gain an understanding about what the client expected of us.

UI/UX Design

There was also an agreement on final design and how the interface will look to attract users to it.

UI Design

Backend & API

Because there was to be both a mobile app as well as the web app, they had to be linked together, which was done by the rest API. Apache 2.4.X, Nginx 1.4.X, and Varnish 3.0.X were the incorporated servers, while MySQL 8+ was used for managing the databases.


Once a working prototype got ready, the needed changes in the app flow could be worked out without much effort to enhance the app operations.



Results & Conclusions

As a company, Consagous Technologies has an immense amount of experience to determine what actually clicks for great mobile apps. Ikinin was no exception. With the final output, the client too was equally thrilled and completely satisfied about what had been delivered.

The app has nicely resonated with the audience, and Ikinin is being used for the amazing features it provides, all in a simple package. 

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